Rare filmed interview with writer, philosopher, activist Simone de Beauvoir.
Christopher Doyle’s beautiful cinematography changed the way I think about songs. He’s just launched a Kickstarter campaign for a new Hong Kong Trilogy; you can read more about it here.
“My greatest challenge is to get to the essence of the situation and not to destroy it. Try to record it, to take it, film it in such a way that when I project it, the mood, the atmosphere of that situation is still there. And that is not easy, I’ve discovered. You have to choose the right moment and do it, catch it. How, I cannot tell you. It’s something to feel because it’s invisible, but could also be visible.”
— Jonas Mekas
… is a technology. Imagine that. It’s an add-on. We used to point and make mouth noises. Terence McKenna said that language gave us our first chance to lie. Before language, lying was almost impossible to get away with. They took one look at you and just knew.” – Leslie Winer
Here for the full article by Wyndham Wallace on trip-hop pioneer Leslie Winer.